Wednesday, July 29, 2009


This is your chance to Win 5 $1/2 Klondike Coupons. These are regularyly priced at $1 each at Albertsons. Use a 3 coupons and 3 Double Coupons to get 6 free. It will print a $4/5 catalina. Use that catalina and 2 more coupons and doublers to get 9 more. For a total of 15 for $1 plus tax
(I do have some breyers I would be willing to substitute a few of these if you prefer the breyers coupons)

You can get 1 entry for each of the things you do. Once you complete the requirement leave a comment with your name and what you did.

1. Leave us a comment with your name
2. become a fan of significant savings on Facebook by clicking the fan box to the right. (This time only if you are already a fan you get a free entry)
3. Make a post about Significant Saving and our giveaway on your blog
4. Add our Button to your blog (never added a button and need some help email us)
5. Make a status update on your facebook about significant savings and our giveaway. Make sure to include our site address
6. You get 2 entries for this. Email your friends with a link to our blog and tell them how much you love it. Make sure to include us in the email to get credit.

Contest ends Tuesday August 4th @ 10pm winners will be announced Wednesday!


Heidi Gail Richhart said...

Heidi Richhart- I already am a fan on facebook, have a button on my blog.

Heidi Gail Richhart said...

just did a status update and will post on my blog about it.

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